21 Mar Family Law: Parenting Time Denied
Indianapolis Family Law Blog:
Unacceptable Reasons to Deny Parenting Time
Do you currently share parenting time? Are you experiencing difficulty in seeing your child or children? Was your parenting time denied? Is the custodial parent preventing you from your scheduled parenting time and you aren’t sure if they are even allowed to interfere? If this is you, one of the first resources you should be turning to is the custody agreement you have with the custodial parent. In general, most agreements default to the Indiana Parenting Guidelines, which specifically addresses what it deems as “unacceptable excuses for one parent [to deny] parenting time to the other.”
If you are having difficulty getting all of your scheduled parenting time, it’s important to document your struggles as much as possible through any possible means necessary, such as text messages, emails, messaging apps, and any type of audio or video recordings.
Has the custodial parent notified you that:
- The “child unjustifiably hesitates or refuses to go”;
- The “child has a minor illness”;
- The “child has to go somewhere”;
- The “child is not home”;
- You are behind in support”;
- The “custodial parent does not want the child to go”;
- The “weather is bad”;
- The “child has no clothes to wear”; or
- You “failed to meet preconditions established by the custodial parent”
If you have been given any of these excuses for why you can’t see your child during your scheduled parenting time or have had your parenting time denied for another reason, Chambers Law Office can help. In order to effectuate a parenting time agreement, both parents must follow the rules. If one parent is preventing the other from seeing the child(ren), sometimes the only way to enforce the agreement is to go back to court.
Indianapolis Parenting Time Attorneys
If you are experiencing problems with the custodial parent of your child or children not following a parenting time order call Chambers Law Office LLC to talk to a licensed Attorney. We know how important it is to see your children and maintain a close relationship, and we will fight for you every step of the way. Call us today at 317-450-2971!
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